Indasteri ea fepa BUHLER Series Ring Die bakeng sa likarolo tse ling tsa leloala la Pellet
Zhengyi Ring Die of Spare Parts of Pellet Mill
E sebelisa Euro Standard X46Cr13 le taolo ea ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso e tiileng, lihlahisoa tse nepahetseng haholo li fihlile boemong ba boemo ba pele ba indasteri ho latela boholo ba kopano le boreleli ba lerako la lesoba. Ts'ebetso ea kalafo ea mocheso oa vacuum e ntseng e hola e netefatsa bophelo ba ts'ebeletso ea lihlahisoa tsa "ring die die" mme e tlisetsa bareki boiphihlelo bo botle ba ho sebelisa lesale.
Re fumane setifikeiti sa tlhahiso ea khetla ea Ring Die le Roller ka 2015
Molemo oa Pellet Mill Ring ea rona ea Die
1. Khetha lisebelisoa tse tala tsa boleng bo phahameng, ho etsa tšepe ea bobeli, degassing billet.
2. Lisebelisoa tsa "ring die": X46Cr13 / 4Cr13 (tšepe e sa hloekang), 42Crmo / 20CrMnTi (tšepe ea alloy) kapa lisebelisoa tse ling tse tloaelehileng.
3. Ho cheka lithunya tse tsoang linaheng tse ling le ho cheka liteishene tse ngata, nako e le 'ngoe ho etsa lesoba la die, qetello ea boleng bo phahameng, tlhahiso ea lijo, ponahalo e ntle le tlhahiso e phahameng.
4. Khetha motsoako oa sebōpi sa vacuum le sebōpi se sa khaotseng sa ho tima ho netefatsa bophelo bo bolelele ba tšebeletso.
5. Ho ea ka molao-motheo le litlhoko tsa moreki ho rala compression karo-karolelano le matla.
6. Tlhahlobo ea microscopic ho netefatsa boleng ba sehlahisoa.
X46Cr13 / 4Cr13 theknoloji ea tšepe e sa hloekang e shoang:
● BUHLER letoto lesale shoa
BUHLER pellet mill series ring die e entsoe ka tšepe ea boleng bo holimo ea alloy kapa tšepe e se nang chromium e phahameng (Sejeremane standard X46cr13). E sebetsoa ka ho forging, ho itšeha, ho phunya, kalafo ea mocheso le lits'ebetso tse ling. Ka tsamaiso e tiileng ea tlhahiso le tsamaiso ea boleng, ho thatafala, ho tšoana ha lesoba le lefu la ho qetela la lesale la tlhahiso la lihlahisoa li fihlile boleng bo phahameng haholo.
S/N | Mohlala | BoholoOD * ID * bophara ka kakaretso * bophara ba pad -mm | Boholo ba lesobamm |
1 | Buhler350 | 500*350*180*100 | 1-12 |
2 | Buhler400 | 558*400*200*120 | 1-12 |
3 | Buhler420*180 | 489*420*152*108 | 1-12 |
4 | Buhler420*138 | 489*420*182*138 | 1-12 |
5 | Buhler420*140 | 580*420*217*140 | 1-12 |
6 | Buhler520*138 | 610*520*182*138 | 1-12 |
7 | Buhler520*178 | 617*520*212*178 | 1-12 |
8 | Buhler660*178 | 799*660*236*178 | 1-12 |
9 | Buhler660*28 | 790*660*286*228 | 1-12 |
10 | Buhler660*265 | 790*660*324*265 | 1-12 |